Adam Neville Deceased

Adam Neville Deceased

From: Paulo.Helene <>
Date: 2016-10-20 10:09 GMT-02:00
Subject: Re: Adam Neville Deceased
To: Mary Neville <>

Dear Mary Neville

Adam was and will be forever the greatest Engineer, Educator, Professor, Writer in Concrete Technology I have had the opportunity to known in my life (67 years old, and 50 years in concrete).
Here in Brazil he contributes a lot for our civil engineering  development and his fabulous books are actual, respected and well known.
Also I had the opportunity to see how much you are present, life mate, fellow and very nice spouse to confirm that behind a great man always have an important great woman.
I hope you can understand the laws of the life and overcome this moment.
Kisses and hugs
Sincerely yours
Paulo Helene

Prof. Paulo Helene
tel.: 551178814016
ID 86*21024 ou tel.: 1125014822
Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto 201 São Paulo SP 01303060 &

2016-10-12 14:11 GMT-03:00 Mary Neville <>: 

I thought that you would wish to know that Adam Neville died on Thursday 6th October 2016. He had become progressively weaker but got up every day until about a fortnight ago. He was at home where he was extremely well cared for, by our excellent carers to whom we became very close.
Adam was at home until the end and was in no pain or discomfort and had no medication. I was with him when he died, at four o’clock in the afternoon, when he simply stopped breathing and his heart stopped. Adam was 93 years old. We were lucky enough to have had 64 happy, varied and exciting years together.


Mary Neville

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