
SCC 2013 – The Fifth North American Conference on the Desing and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete

SCC 2013 – The Fifth North American Conference on the Desing and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete – Participação Prof. Paulo Helene no Comitê Científico Data: 12 a 15/05/2013 Assunto: SCC 2013 – The North American Conference on the Desing and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete Local: Chicago – USA Realização: Diversos

SCC 2013 – The Fifth North American Conference on the Desing and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete Read More »

2013. IABSE- Structural Engineering Internacional. Internacional Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. Nº02. May. Vol. 23. ISSN.: 1016-8664

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