Publicações em Congressos

2000. HELENE, Paulo, LEVY, Salomon M. Durability of Concrete Produced with Mineral Waste of Civil Construction Industry. In: Symposium of Construction and Environment – Theory into Practice, 2000, São Paulo, 23-24 Nov.,.  CIB International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction. São Paulo,: CD ROM PCC.USP, 2000

2000. HELENE, Paulo, CALMON, Joao L., SOUZA, F.L.S. Identificação e Mapeamento dos Agentes Agressivos ao Concreto Armado em Indústrias Siderúrgicas. In: XXIX Jornadas Sudamericanas de Ingeniería Estructural, JUBILEO Julio Ricaldoni 1950-2000, 2000, Punta del Este, 13-17 Nov.,.  ASIE Asociación Sudamericana de Ingeniería Estructural. Montevideo,: CD ROM Instituto de Estructuras y Transporte, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, 2000

2000. HELENE, Paulo, MATOS, Osvaldo C. Influence of the Steel Type on the Reinforcement Corrosion in the Concrete. In: International Conference on Sustainable Construction into the Next Millenium: Environmentally Friendly and Innovative Cement Materials, 2000, João Pessoa, 02-05 Nov.,.  UFP. Sheffield,: University of Sheffield, 2000. p.635 – 647

2000. HELENE, Paulo, TULA, Leonel S. Methodology for Service Life Prediction of Stainless Steel Reinforced Structures Based on the Correlation Between Eletrochemical and Mechanical Manifestation of Corrosion. In: Marine Corrosion in Tropical Environments, 2000, Orlando, 13-17 Nov.,.  ASTM STP 1399. West Conshohocken,: ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, 2000. p.231 – 246

2000. HELENE, Paulo, GUIMARÃES, André T. C. Modelos para Previsão de Vida Útil em Ambiente Marítimo. In: 42ºCongresso Brasileiro do Concreto, 2000, Fortaleza, 13-18 Aug.,.  IBRACON. São Paulo,: CD ROM IBRACON Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto, 2000

2000. HELENE, Paulo, LEVY, Salomon M. Performance Evaluation of Recycled Concrete. In: International Conference on Sustainable Construction into the Next Millenium: Environmentally Friendly and Innovative Cement Materials, 2000, João Pessoa, 02-05 Nov.,.  UFP. Sheffield,: University of Sheffield, 2000. p.112 – 124

2000. HELENE, Paulo; TULA, Leonel; DÍAZ, Nelson; BORTOLUCCI, Antônio. Resistência à Compressão do Concreto Confinado. In: 42º Congresso Brasileiro do Concreto, 2000, Fortaleza, 13-18 Aug.,.  IBRACON. São Paulo,: CD ROM IBRACON Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto, 2000.

2000. HELENE, Paulo, GUIMARÃES, André T. C. The Moisture Effect on the Diffusion of Chloride Ion in Hydrated Cement Paste. In: Marine Corrosion in Tropical Environments, 2000, Orlando, 13-17 Nov.,.  ASTM STP 1399. West Conshohocken,: ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, 2000. p.135 – 149

1999. HELENE, Paulo, ISA, Mario M. Aderência Concreto-Armadura: Influência de Revestimentos para Proteção Catódica Tipo Galvânica In: 41º Congresso Brasileiro do Concreto, 1999, Salvador.  41º Congresso Brasileiro do Concreto- IBRACON. , 1999

1999. GUIMARÃES, André T. C., DIAS, C. R. R., RECENA, F. A. P., HELENE, Paulo. Assessment of a Concrete Pier Structure, 20 Years Old In: II International Congress on High-Performance Concrete and performance and Quality Structures, 1999, Gramado.  II International Congress on High-Performance Concrete and performance and Quality Structures. American Concrete Institute, 1999. v.1. p.239 – 249




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